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Bouncer Administration
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Any kind of abuse such as bouncerflooding whatsoever will not be tolerated and will lead to a permanent ban from our service! No payments will be returned regardless of amount! Remember you are also responsible for the users running below your account.
Every action performed in the system is IP-logged and used in case of abuse.
+ 2018-01-05 00:00 +
The end of the road...
After almost 15 years in business, we have decided to close down The reason behind the decision is that providing mainly IRC services is no longer a business with a huge marke...
+ 2017-02-01 18:37 +
Scheduled maintenance 2017-02-03
We have scheduled maintenance this upcoming Friday at 23:00 CET.
We expect the maintenance to last until around 1:00 CET, but no longer than 4:00 CET.

Sorry for the inc...
+ 2015-08-08 04:45 +
Scheduled maintenance update
The scheduled maintenance took a bit longer than expected due to some hardware issues.
Replacing the bad part took longer than expected, but the issue should have been resolved.
Design/images copyrighted by 2003-2005
Everything else copyrighted by 2002-2012